Hoërskool in Tzaneen

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Hokkietoere | Hockey Tours

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se jaarlikse toer vir 2020 is afgestel weens Covid 19.  Jaarliks is daar 'n groot verwagting onder alle Vossie hokkiespelers vir die lewenservaring en tegnieke wat spelers aanleer en inoefen tydens die Netstar hokkietoernooi.  Ons spelers sien met verwagting uit na 2021 se hokkietoer.


Hoërskool Ben Vorster's annual tour for 2020 was cancelles due to Covid 19.  Annually there is great anticipation among all hockey players to gain the techniques and experience which is available to them during the Netstar hockey tournament.  Our players are looking forward to the 2021 hockey tour with anticipation.